Taller 2 -9-3 Inglés

Código: GA-DC-F-10
Versión: 1
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NOMBRE DEL DOCENTE Jaqueline Ossa Henao
GRADO:       9 -3    GUÍA DE AUSENCIA 2  ÁREA:  Idioma Extranjero Inglés

La devolución del taller debe realizarce vía correo electrónico al correo jackieossah13@gmail.com puede enviarlo resuelto en Word, en el mismo correo, en PDF o cualquier otro medio que sea de fácil acceso para ustedes.
Porcentaje de Nota: Con el envío y aprobación de este taller y la realización de la Evaluación del Máster se completaría el 100 de todas las actividades académicas de este período en el área de inglés.
 Horas de Clase: 4 semanales
Evaluación: La siguiente guía se evaluará dentro del seguimiento .

Simple Present Tense
Read the text answer the questions and translate the Text

I’m an English teacher and I have a big family, so I have a very busy daily routine! First, I get up every day at six o’clock, get washed and dressed, and leave for work by seven-thirty. I get to school at eight o’clock. I prepare my lessons and then teach until noon. The other teachers and I always eat lunch and talk together in the teachers’ room. I teach again in the afternoon and then I correct my students’ homework and tests. After I get back home, I help my kids with their homework. I have three kids in elementary school. Their names are Mathew, Jon and Suzie. Then, I do some exercise, eat dinner with my family and watch TV before I go to bed at about ten o’clock. We love to watch travel shows. Finally, I read in bed for a few minutes before I fall asleep.

1. What job does Mr. Miller have? Is he a busy person? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
2. What time does Mr. Miller get up every morning? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
3. Who does Mr. Miller have lunch with? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
4. What does he do after he helps his kids with their homework? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
5. What kinds of TV shows does he love to watch? ___________________________________ ___________________


Well, I almost always get up very early, at about five-thirty. I get up early because I like to go jogging along the beach and watch the sun rise. Later, after breakfast, I go to work. I work in a bank near my home. I don’t drive to work, I take a bus. It only takes about twenty minutes to get to work. After work, I like to go to my favorite bakery and buy some fresh bread. I get home between five o’clock and five-thirty. My husband Michael usually makes dinner because he loves to cook. In fact, he is a chef in a restaurant. His hobby is painting, and my hobby is growing flowers in our garden. We also have a pet dog called Wolfie. In the evenings we take Wolfie for a walk, and then get to bed by nine-thirty because we have to get up so early again the next morning.

. 1. Why does Ms. Lucy get up very early every morning? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
2. Where does Ms. Lucy work? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
3. How long does it take Ms. Lucy to get to work? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
4. What is Ms. Lucy’s hobby? ________________________________


 · Answer the questions about the things you usually do. Use the present simple in your answers.
 1. What time do you get up on weekdays? _________________________________________________________
2. Where do you eat lunch? _________________________________________________________
 3. What do you do on weekends? _________________________________________________________
4. Where do you go shopping? _________________________________________________________
 5. What books or magazines do you read? _________________________________________________________
6. What TV programs do you watch? _________________________________________________________
7. Why do you study English? _________________________________________________________ 8. How do you relax in the evenings? ____________________________

Positives, Negatives and Question

 Find and correct the mistakes below and rewrite the sentence correctly.

1. He go to bed very early.
2. Does they live in Canada?
3. I am usually cook dinner for my family.
4. Are they have a meeting every week?
5. She don’t like tennis.
6. Does John has enough money?
7. He know the answer.
8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend.
9. They has lots of free time.
10. Do they usually driving to work?
11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant.
12. She worrys too much about the exams.
13. My father wants to travels to Spain.
14. Why you study English?
15. He doesn’t drinks tea. 16. They are start class in the morning.


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